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The mission of the AFJROTC program is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.”

The goals of the AFJROTC program are to instill:

  • The values of citizenship,
  • Service to the United States,
  • Personal responsibility, and
  • A sense of accomplishment.

The objectives of AFJROTC are to educate and train students in citizenship and life skills; promote community service; instill a sense of responsibility; and develop character and self-discipline through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force's core values of "Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence In All We Do."

This program will enable the students to:

  • Develop a high degree of strong morals, self-esteem, self-reliance, personal appearance, and leadership.
  • Adhere to the values of integrity, service, and excellence
  • Increase their understanding of patriotism and responsibilities as US citizens.
  • Participate in community service activities.
  • Expand their skills of critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, and creativity and innovation.
  • Demonstrate military customs, courtesies, and traditions and develop habits of order, discipline, and social skills. - Acquire a broad-based knowledge of aerospace studies and leadership education.
  • Strive to graduate from high school and prepare for college and careers in the 21st century.
  • Cultivate a commitment to physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

As this is the 9th Grade only campus, we have an opportunity to impact 9th-grade cadets more profoundly without the outside influence of upperclassmen (10 - 12th graders). Though they have good intentions, sometimes there is a rogue cadet that wants to use their undue influence and spread bad juju. It happens. Nipping it in the bud at the access point is important. At the NGC, they are all on the same level playing field, even if they have siblings or friends on the HHS campus.  We can easily deal with this...and send the message across the corps about influence and etiquette and LEADERSHIP by example.